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6 Life Skills Taught through Music

The School of Voice / Musician Resources / 6 Life Skills Taught through Music

March 4, 2013

6 life skills through musicThere is so much more to musical training than just learning an instrument and performing on a stage. By starting music at an early age, your child develops life skills that will drive a certain attitude of success into their adult lives.


The most useful life skill music inspires is confidence. Every success from practice and performance increases confidence, and private study is the most useful confidence builder for immediate achievement. Your child’s improvement with their instrument and successful performance is a sure way to build confidence into adulthood.


It is inevitable that your child will be part of an ensemble at some point in their musical career, whether it be accompanying someone on the piano, singing in a musical, or playing as part of the orchestra. By working in an ensemble, your child learns that their part is critical to the ensemble’s success. Every person plays a key role in the success of the performance, and they must work together to make that success happen.


Learning an instrument can become a challenge at points. Certain phrases may be difficult to play or sing, you may not get every role you audition for, and you will certainly feel at times that you should just give up and quit. By working through these obstacles with an expert, your child will gain the perseverance to overcome said obstacles and lead on towards success, not only with their instrument, but in life.


When a child starts learning a new piece of music, they imagine in their head how that music is supposed to sound. They create in their head ideas and concepts for how they should perform, and the exposure to new sounds increases a flow of imagination. Artistry develops and leads to new ways of thinking and working the brain. Creativity is one of the most powerful tools your child can develop.


Developing focus is integral to music training. Working with a teacher, practice, and performance all require a child’s full attention. One-on-one instruction at an early age increases the ability to focus on a set task with a guide to lead the way. From there on out, they are improving their focus each and every time they pick up an instrument.


Mastering an instrument takes years of practice. Exposing children to the idea of practice from a young age encourages a drive for excellence. Each hour of practice not only improves performance, but it improves their sense of dedication. They are not only dedicating that hour, but past hours and hours to come. When a child sees the reward from practice, they feel driven to achieve that accomplishment, and the dedication to that instrument continues to blossom.

Music has inspired and led the way to many successful adults. Your child may not be the next Pavarotti, but they will develop skills through music training that will lead to a life of excellence in their adulthood.

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