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Singing Techniques to Improve Your Tone and Resonance

The School of Voice / Musician Resources / Singing Techniques to Improve Your Tone and Resonance

April 9, 2023
Improve your vocal tone and resonance by practicing proper breathing, focusing on vowel sounds, experimenting with different placements of resonance, maintaining good posture and utilizing support muscles to energize vibrato. With patience and practice, anyone can achieve a stronger sound.

When you’re trying to improve your vocal tone and resonance, it can be difficult to know where to start.

Your voice is a precious and powerful tool, so it’s important to make sure that you’re using correct techniques when practicing singing in order to achieve the best possible sound.

The following tips can help you to improve your vocal tone and resonance so that you can make the most of your singing potential.

Here are some singing techniques that can help you achieve a better sound:

  1. Make sure your tongue is relaxed: When you sing, your tongue should not be tight or rigid – it should be loose and relaxed so that your articulation is clear and easier for listeners to understand.
  2. Use proper breathing techniques: Proper breathing helps to give you the capacity to sing louder, longer, and with more resonance. Learn how to breathe deeply from your diaphragm so that when you sing, you can use your breath efficiently. Be sure to practice diaphragmatic breathing while singing in order to maximize the power of each note.
  3. Concentrate on vowel sounds: Vowel sounds are more resonant than consonant sounds and help create a full-bodied sound when singing. Practice pronouncing each vowel sound separately with clear articulation and pay close attention to where the resonance is positioned within your mouth or throat as you do this exercise.
  4. Work on placement of resonance: When singing, try visualizing placing your sound somewhere other than the back of your throat or mouth area – perhaps the forehead or sinuses? Experimenting with different placements will help increase resonance in those areas which will naturally strengthen overall vocal tone.
  5. Focus on posturing: Have good posture when you sing–stand tall and keep a relaxed but straight spine; don’t hunch over or let yourself collapse forward as this restricts airflow and reduces resonant qualities of tone production.
  6. Explore voice lessons near you: an experienced teacher can give you advice and guidance on specific techniques for improving your voice.
  7. Utilize support muscles: Strengthening certain muscles found in the body (such as laryngeal muscles located at either side of the neck) play an important role in producing quality vocals regardless of technique used – be it classical, bel canto, pop (or any other style).
  8. Energize your vibrato: This technique adds tonal richness and depth by creating ‘waves’ within the voice caused by oscillations in pitch due to variations in air pressure from the lungs which creates colorful overtones or harmonics.

These are just some of the singing techniques that can help you improve your vocal tone and resonance. While there is certainly no ‘one size fits all’ approach to singing, practicing the above tips can lead you to a stronger, well balanced sound.

With patience and practice, anyone can achieve better vocal resonance and quality tones.

Common questions from singers who want to improve their resonance or tone

For singers, what is resonance?

Resonance in singing refers to the process by which the basic product of phonation is enhanced in timbre and/or intensity by the air-filled cavities through which it passes on its way to the outside air. Simply put, it is the amplification and enriching of the voice. Understanding the concept and technique of resonance is fundamental to developing a good singing tone.

“When we speak or sing, the air in our vocal tract vibrates, and this vibration or resonance is what provides volume to our singing voice” explains Katrina Pfitzner.

Are there different kinds of resonance?

Yes, there are.

You can find the four main resonators in our body: the chest, the throat, the nasal cavity, and the head space. These resonators vibrate sympathetically with the frequencies of the sung pitches, and it’s this sympathetic vibration that amplifies and gives richness to our voice.

  1. Laryngeal Resonance: This is resonance that happens within the larynx, before the sound has had a chance to enter other cavities. This is also known as chest resonance because of the vibrations you feel in your chest when you sing with this type of resonance.
  2. Pharyngeal Resonance: This happens in your pharynx, which is the tube that runs up your throat.
  3. Mouth (Oral) Resonance: This is resonance that happens in your mouth, which is the principle resonating cavity for vowel sounds.
  4. Nasal Resonance: This resonance happens in your nasal cavity and sinuses. It’s important for creating bright, ringy sounds.

Why is resonance important for singing?

Resonance is important for singing because it allows the voice to project and carry better, resulting in a fuller, richer sound.

How can you increase resonance in your singing voice?

Increasing resonance in your singing voice generally involves exercises and techniques designed to improve the use of your vocal tract and body cavities, which amplify your natural voice.

Further reading on vocal resonance and resonance for singers:

For a more in depth look, I’d recommend:

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